Friday, January 24, 2014

Who Is The Church Today?

By Jonathan D. Payne - Founder / The ACJ
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You know beyond popular belief there are no scriptures that tell us to go to church or to join any of these denominational churches that are not supported by scriptures at all. Scriptures declare we are placed in the body as it pleases Him being the Lord, we are baptized into the body of Christ.

The kingdom of God is what Jesus commanded to be preach not the kingdom of men and their religious dynasties.This whole church stuff is the work of fallen man going about to establish their own righteousness outside of God.
Yea it is true, we do not go to church because these are not churches but they are by definition, non - profit organizations that really make a profit off of the scriptures they use on you to collect tithes, offerings, pledges and anything else they can muster up.
These are denominational enterprises that use you as the capital. Jesus command was to go and make disciples not become members of these organizations that have a form of godliness but deny the power. Man people be lying, they pick and choose what church they go to based on upbringing, culture, emotions and feelings.
There are no scriptures that tell us to be baptist, methodist, pentecostal, muslim, mormons, seventh day advertise, Catholic or any thing else that is out there. It is not that we go to church but we're we go is to be brainwashed and indoctrinated into a set of beliefs that are privately interpretated, religious zombies. 
The confusion is in the appearance but this is a cover up that many use to gain followers that believe like they do. How can this be the church that Jesus is the head over, that would mean that He has picks and favorites, that the people are divided by who said what, how they said it and what does it mean.
No He did not tell us to go to church but to become the church and the church goes everywhere you go because we represent the Lord of Glory not the name of the organization you go to nor who your pimp is.
Oh I hear you deep folk out there wanting to quote the scripture about forsake not the assembly of yourselves together.... Yea that is true but assembly can be anywhere at anytime directed by the Spirit of God and united fellowship of one Faith. The church is the people not pews, stain glass widows or big screen T V. We are called out of organized religion to become an army of those of like precious faith. What we call church/ religion is a corrupt organization that has turn into a business of supply and demand. 
These people be lying when they say the Lord sent them there and this is where I am suppose to be, man if these jokers were to keep it real the majority of them do not even know His voice at all, they be lying and afraid to be put on blast.
Jesus said the world would know you are my disciples not by where you go or who your church daddy is but by the love you have one for another and to each other. Man they may sing these songs and they may sound good and even move you but not enough to move you to realize there is only one Lord, one Faith and one Baptism. 
It's all wrong and we grew up with this lie because it was passed down from one ignorant generation to another and what we are according to scriptures are proselytes of men, we are not followers of Christ but followers of winds of doctrines that all they do is divide people from people and you call this the church.
Oh check this out as well, you have these peeps talking about they had church or come to my church, man you got to be kidding, your church and why do I need to know who your pastor is, he ain't God is he.
Look in closing, the church of today is like watching your favorite show on T V. You watch it like you do, you get caught up in it for the moment but after its gone off so are you until next time. This is why the world can't take the church serious, they know it's just a show for your amusement.
The church as it is called has no voice in the earth for it has lost its savor, now to be trampled under the foot of men. This will not go without judgment from God for the damaged that has been done. The hammer of Jeremiah comes to smash these lies, the Axe of John comes to cut them down. Isaiah comes to Cry Loud and Ezkiel comes to show the house to the house and Peter says judgment comes to the house and Revelations rebukes the church.
Voices Crying Out N The Wilderness / Debois Gooden


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A Christian novel written by The ACJ founder Jonathan D. Payne. This book can be purchased at the following retailers online:

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Be blessed, be loved and be at peace. May the light of God's glory and presence fire the brilliance of your souls. God loves you - and you are greatly loved.

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