Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The New Conservatism

By Jonathan D. Payne 
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The American Christian Journal

Have you noticed an interesting development in politics lately? Conservatism is being attacked. Nothing new here you would say, but you need to see what is really going on. Reputed conservatives are the ones doing the attacking against other TRUE conservatives! The old guard is dying and what we are witnessing is the death throws of an established party. In point of fact the Republican Party is not a party of conservatives.

What has risen to the top of this concept of conservatism, God and country, are the following groups (take careful note):

  • Libertarians
  • Tea Party adherents
  • Non-affiliated
  • Conservative Democrats
  • New Republicans
These groups are being targeted by the established Republicans to "marginalize" their impact and influence. Sound familiar? It should, as I have discussed on these pages about the Obama administration's own agenda against these very groups as well. So how can we move forward if BOTH sides, if there really is some sort of division here, are attacking the SAME groups?

In a word, you and I really can't.

Conservatism under President Reagan was finite and knowable. Then George W. H. Bush came along and the waters became muddied. Remember those daily notorious phone calls between Clinton and Bush Sr.? Then for awhile we could see the flame sputter and restart under Bush Jr. This lasted until the current administration, the Obama administration, and the fear of being outed culturally, politically or otherwise, diminished in comparison to the outlandish behavior of Obama and company.

But it is still there, the de-conservatism of the so-called conservative party, namely the Republican Party.

Take an informed mind and a knowing eye to who does what on Capital Hill. You have rising stars and voices that can be heard like: Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and even those not on the Hill like Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh.

These are voices of the REAL America. And we should listen well to what they have to say.

There is a problematic position for most Americans, as they want something free or with little effort. Nothing in this world works this way. There is a soldier in a fox hole that assures you can go to the laundry, daycare, supermarket or whatever, and not be killed or shot at by those who profess openly to hate you. And these are the ones that our White House caters to while Detroit goes down in flames.

Do you care? Are you old enough to remember who we were, those of us who are feckless and obstinate stalwarts of the true principles of conservatism, even as the hatemongers strive to tear us apart? So understand what is the answer here. The answer lies in the rise of the New Conservatism, which in fact is the remembrance of what REAL conservatism stands for:
William F. Buckley Jr., in the first issue of his magazine National Review in 1955, defined the beliefs of American conservatives:
It is the job of centralized government (in peacetime) to protect its citizens’ lives, liberty and property. All other activities of government tend to diminish freedom and hamper progress. The growth of government (the dominant social feature of this century) must be fought relentlessly. In this great social conflict of the era, we are, without reservations, on the libertarian side.
The profound crisis of our era is, in essence, the conflict between the Social Engineers, who seek to adjust mankind to conform with scientific utopias, and the disciples of Truth, who defend the organic moral order. We believe that truth is neither arrived at nor illuminated by monitoring election results, binding though these are for other purposes, but by other means, including a study of human experience. On this point we are, without reservations, on the conservative side.
We have always have had the answer to the problems of this nation. It is the remembering of it, and the voting in of those who will have the courage to champion it in the halls of governance. There is no "knee jerk" answers here. The road ahead is long and convoluted, and it will take a dogged determination to make the changes happen.

This is what you must do to effect change, where there is a just as "dogged determination" to marginalize America and plunder it's prosperity.

Our country is a sacred trust between us and our creator. This puts it squarely at war with those who seek our downfall, and the ability to pick over the choice pieces if we do fall. That is their agenda. The New Conservatism of which I speak, reinvigorates the nation, it's peoples, and the principles by which we live - and protects us from this very real threat. It is the answer.

Do not ever forget what the question is.

God bless America!


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A Christian novel written by The ACJ founder Jonathan D. Payne. This book can be purchased at the following retailers online:

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Be blessed, be loved and be at peace. May the light of God's glory and presence fire the brilliance of your souls. God loves you - and you are greatly loved.

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