Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Repost: The Real America

By Jonathan D. Payne 
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The American Christian Journal

We as Americans have been blessed with a tremendous “right” – the right to free speech. At this time in American history many are exercising this right, and sadly many more are abusing it. It does not matter what side of the Iraqi/Iran/Afghanistan war issues you stand on, but it does matter if you stand against American sovereignty and the right of her people to defend themselves. 

Right or wrong, if you live in America, namely the USA, you are protected by America, and profit from America, then you also have a duty to stand with America–and "Real Americans" do.

Many would call this simplistic–and it is. It doesn’t take complex debate to understand a few basic principles. First there is loyalty, followed closely by honor and duty, just ask an American soldier serving in the Middle East or a veteran here at home. You can have differences of opinions with government mandates, but when it is time to stand up and be counted, it should be as an unswerving citizen of your country. It’s that simple. 

We have the usual liberals, left-wingers, peace-at-all costs activists, and even elected officials of the House and Senate that say America is required to seek approval of the United Nations before we can do anything outside our borders. 

Let’s be clear, these groups and individuals are promoting treason. They are not serving the best interests of this country. We are a sovereign nation that requires no one’s approval to exercise our rights as a nation, and as a people. Our own president (Bush) reminded us of this in his speech prior to the Iraqi campaign. Again, it’s that simple. 

However, these are the same people who say that in the name of “tolerance” we must not tolerate Christianity. Their reasoning is that Christianity is itself inherently intolerant and inflexible, in principle and viewpoint. In short, it doesn't accept or accommodate sinful, aberrant behavior as normal, and that of course, is unacceptable (especially for those crying foul). 

Unfortunately for them, Real Americans are overwhelmingly Christian. 

However the atheists, homosexuals, socialists, one world government globalists, liberal left-wingers, and the aberrant of all stripes (culturally, politically, religiously and corporately) must be catered to for fear of offending their politics and pet agendas. All the while, using their "right of free speech", they are promoting their own brand of intolerance. In other words, we should quietly accept their undermining of the God-inspired principles on which this country was founded by NOT exercising our right to disagree and act on our own behalf. It would be intolerant. To them it’s that simple. 

In the 70’s there was a slogan found on bumper stickers, tee-shirts and other paraphernalia which read “America, Love It Or Leave It”. That too was rather simple and to the point. And that America is all about a people with faith in God, a people of moral character and high values. 

Decent, law-abiding citizens of the greatest country in the history of this world. That's the Real America–and we will stand for our rights, as a nation and a people. As the latest figures show, Real America is not homosexual (at best only 3% of the population), nor is it atheistic (only about 6-9 %) and again, it is not global-oriented (over 85% of Americans believe in the self-directing, self-defending and self-governing sovereign rights of our country). 

What does all this mean? To coin a phrase from a movie, “if they say different, they’re selling something”. And of course they are. It’s that simple. 

As Christians we can see the shift from “absolute truth” to a morally corrupt concept of “relative truth” in which no one takes responsibility for their own behavior, irregardless of how destructive it may be. What they are selling is true moral bankruptcy, social instability, corporate unaccountability, cultural irresponsibility, rampant intolerance, bigotry, hatred and greed – and much more. 

That is why suicide (especially among teens), chronic depression, social violence, corporate thievery, religious ambiguity, heart attacks and strange, aberrant diseases are on the rise and sweeping the country. Why? Because there isn't a stable center in life without faith, without a moral anchor, in other words, without absolute truth there is nothing to hold on to or anything in which to believe in. Sadly it’s that simple. 

Why is there such a push to take God out of the equation? 

To put it simply, a socially bankrupt culture that has no sense of a moral right and wrong, where everything is relative, has no means to address the corrupt government and legal bureaucracies, pseudo class systems, or other social injustices and bias used to control and manipulate them. Many wouldn’t even grasp the concept that they are being taken advantage of. It’s that simple, and frighteningly, that easy to do. 

But let’s look at the Real America. Even with historic massive layoffs, Real America is steadfast in its work ethic, supporting a free economy that is STILL the envy of the entire world. STDs, and teen pregnancies, are down. More Americans than ever are attending Church, seeking a solid relationship with God and praying. 

They are giving to charities, and other community services, having shifted to more Christian-oriented organizations. Marriages are lasting longer, and teens are more likely to abstain from premarital sex, drugs and alcohol. Real America is still out there, quietly maintaining the foundation of this country. 

But you won't hear this from the Mainstream News and Media outlets. That is not their agenda.

The "powers that be" don’t want you to know this. The media hasn’t got a clue who Real America is–and doesn't want one. Hollywood doesn’t understand it, and the voices of dissent are seeking to destroy it. 

But Real America shall withstand all onslaughts. 

Because we believe in what is good and right and just. We believe in God and the sanctity, and soveriegnty, of country, duty and honor. We believe in the pledge allegiance, inclusive of “one nation under God”. It is that simple. Again, No complex arguments of morality. No relative interpretation of unjust laws and self-serving agendas. No redefining of what truth "is". 

Just simple, moral, honorable and principled living-the Real America. Yes, it’s that simple. 

Be blessed, be loved and be at peace. May the light of God's glory and presence fire the brilliance of your souls. You are greatly loved. 

God bless America!


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A Christian novel written by The ACJ founder Jonathan D. Payne. This book can be purchased at the following retailers online:

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Be blessed, be loved and be at peace. May the light of God's glory and presence fire the brilliance of your souls. God loves you - and you are greatly loved.

Copyright © The American Christian Journal